Tuesday, April 10, 2012

(i like to use these.)

I have so much to catch up on here it's ridiculous. Be expecting posts about things that happened a month ago. Moving on!
This weekend was largely devoted to one of my best friends, Matthew. He was down in Provo for his brother's wedding to visit me before he leaves for his mission. So we rode our bikes around (I got a bike!), hit up denny's, attended one of my test reviews, and went up to the Temple.

I should probably take this time to point out that Matt and I used to absolutely hate each other. Our brothers were best friends growing up and from the ages of 5-10 they consistently teased us about getting married (some things never change). We were still in our cootie stage (who am I kidding? I still am.), so you can imagine the brooding anger that arose in our pre-pubescent hearts. Anyway, we didn't really see each other often until around ninth grade. We were in the same friend group but abhorred each other. And neither of us had any qualms about hiding it. But somewhere along the line we started hating each other less. We did theatre together and I started hanging out with a different friend group that he soon joined. One time he told his mom we were hanging out and she was apparently really surprised, because we really were always so rude to each other. But now, he is one of my best friends!
He leaves in a few weeks for Brazil, and I'll probably write him (worst commitment award goes to me). But I am going to miss him and I know he'll be an amazing missionary!

here's to many more memories when you get home!*

*i would like to make it known now that despite what you say i will not, in fact, be married when this happens.