Thursday, December 26, 2013

on the seventh day of catch-upmas (and REAL Christmas, too!)

elaborate Christmas party part II!

Merry Christmas, you get a photo dump! woohoo!

Let's meet the couples, shall we?

We had a FABULOUS dinner made by Kylie.
And then we made good use of the make-shift photobooth we set up (helloooo, dollar store wrapping paper!)

nice bum, where ya from?

We had a Christmas talent show, where each couple had to prepare an act in 10 minutes. 
-Choreographed dance
-Christmas Slam Poem
-Duet (Syndey was Miranda Sings)
-Christmas Rap
-Work-out Routine (sorry it's blurry, it's hard to catch a Reindeer Richard Simmons in action.)
-Sign Language Christmas Song
-And, in my unbiased opinion, the best sock puppet show anyone has ever seen.

This was definitely the best dinner party I've ever been to!
Thank you to the lovely gentlemen that joined us, and thank you to my favorite 204 girls+Alyssa for making it so awesome!

And just in case you couldn't already tell how much fun it was, here's some more proof.
this was 30% his idea.
And that is what happens when you give martinelli's cider to a room full of sober college kids.

Hope your Christmas was as fun as ours!

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