Wednesday, February 12, 2014

you'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs

On actual Valentine's Day I will be in a car for 9 hours. So I need an outlet for my love of the holiday.
For today I thought I would give you all a rundown of my favorite/most applicable love songs!

You should probably be feeling some excitement right about now.

To start with, my general favorite love song.
The Beatles-I Will

And now for our walk down my love-memory lane.

First, from the years of high school through my first year of college:
The Civil Wars- To Whom it May Concern
This was my self-declared life theme song for a few years. All about being in love with the person you're going to end up with, but not having even met them yet. You can miss a person you've never met, I believe that. And that really was how I felt for a long time. Having met a lot more people since I was 18, I don't know that I can make the argument anymore that I haven't met who I'll end up with yet. So yeah, internet, I just admitted that. Judge me.
ehem. MOVING ON.

So anyway. After meeting a boy that made me feel like maybe I could do this whole feelings thing, I changed my tune. (ha. get it. tune. HA.)
But then he left.
Didn't we all see that coming.
Anyway, after he left I realized that I had been really stupid about love and relationships. I had built up this idea that I needed the affection of a guy to be happy. Which leads me to...
circa 2013
Ellie Goulding-JOY

"I figured out that joy is not in your arms. I know I'll always ache with an empty heart."
Like, okay, Ellie, I get it.

After I worked on myself for awhile, and discovered self-esteem inside myself instead of from outside sources, there was a lot of this:
post-Sophomore year
Andrew WK-Let's Go On A Date

Okay, my apologies if you actually listened to that song hahaha. I heard it at work and couldn't resist.

The dating games in Provo are like nowhere else in the world. And they leave me feeling like this:
Slow Club-When I Go
 Honestly I find this song adorable. But seriously, anyone wanna make this pact with me? I'm accepting applications.

Sometimes, sometimes, dates (and non-dates, I guess) aren't horrible. And that's when I suddenly have the desire to sing this song to potential interests:
April Smith and the Great Picture Show-Movie Loves a Screen

That general sentiment usually lasts approximately 1 hour before I realize three things:
1. I am a chicken.
2. I am so content being single.
3. I hate dating.
So then I come back to...
The Zombies-The Way I Feel Inside

But, GUYS. I still love love. And I may not be romantic and I may "ruin the moment" sometimes (read: almost always), I'm still keeping on until................

This is how I want to feel about love:
Queen-My Best Friend

And there you have it, folks.

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